Anarchism: an alternative to the existing system.

What is the relationship with Anarchism and Punk in the corner of the world. The failure of the politicians in the "political sell - to buy" a convincing counter culture ideas that we will all be much better life without these vampirs. "All the government did not want and do not need, no service can be provided that the government can not be provided by a community of self-reliance. We do not need to be - ordered to do something or told how to keep our lives especially burdened by taxes, regulation, regulation - regulation and demands - demands we will work "(Profane Existence (PE) # 5, August 1990 p. 38, Ayf)

When must choose between political ideology: Punk tend anarchist. This does not override the fact that still have not read the punk history and still continue to promote berlanjutnya forms of capitalism or communism walk the earth. But it can be said almost all believe akan Punk anarchist principles is to not use the regulator or government official, and appreciate the freedom and responsibility of the individual (who does not). Profane Existence (next written PE) is a fanzine Punk anarchist in the United States which contains reportase politics and music from the anarchist perspective. The contents of this magazine, many load periodikal intended for readers-readers who are starting an intellectual activist and began to leave the musical movement to the political Punk.

Previous note Scene in Europe has a lot of fanzine-fanzine and band anarchist punk history because there more active than their colleagues in the American union. The editor and editor-fanzine is inspired by the waves 2 to Punk in Europe (1980 - 1984) a very politically oriented. Bands like CRASS, Conflict, and Discharge in the UK, THE EX BGK and in the Netherlands and the MDC and DEAD Kennedy in the United States of Punk Rock N Roll berandalan into thinking that the rebels. The spirit is now inherited by millions of bands that play various musical spectrum Punk. Los Crudos a scream before the face of the oppressor with the lyrics for the explicit lyrics-awareness classes and Propagandhi find its place in the rhythm that's easy to pop Punk disenandungkan, this is all the thousands of young people around the world proudly call themselves "anarchist" and start the show healthy ketidaksukaan akan regime-the regime of governance around the world.

"In the early development of the so-called civilization is that few people realize if they can live with and easy to become rich by making other people work for them, people use this indirection even violence to themselves as menginstitusi

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