A Bush Surprise: Fright-Wing Support
3:16 PM
Posted by Noveus
Published: Sunday, March 21, 2004
With his mohawk, ratty fatigues, assorted chains and his menagerie of tattoos ? swallows on each shoulder, a nautical star on his back and the logo of the Bouncing Souls, a New York City punk band, on his right leg ? 22-year-old Nick Rizzuto is the very picture of counterculture alienation. But it's when he talks politics that Mr. Rizzuto sounds like a real radical, for a punk anyway. Mr. Rizzuto is adamantly in favor of lowering taxes and for school vouchers, and against campaign finance laws; his favorite Supreme Court justice is Clarence Thomas; he plans to vote for President Bush in November; and he's hard-core into capitalism.
"Punks will tell me, `Punk and capitalism don't go together,' " Mr. Rizzuto said. "I don't understand where they're coming from. The biggest punk scenes are in capitalist countries like the U.S., Canada and Japan. I haven't heard of any new North Korean punk bands coming out. There's no scene in Iran."
Mr. Rizzuto is the founder of Conservative Punk, one of a handful of Web sites and blogs that have sprung up recently as evidence of a heretofore latent political entity: Republican punks. With names like GOPunk, Anti-Anti-Flag and Punkvoter Lies, the sites are a curious blend of Karl Rove and Johnny Rotten, preaching personal responsibility and reflexive patriotism with the in-your-face zeal of a mosh pit. When he's not banging his head to the Misfits, the Vandals or the Bouncing Souls, for example, Mr. Rizzuto spends his time writing essays denouncing Michael Moore and "left-wing propaganda," and urging other conservative punks to join his cause.
"Punk has been hijacked by an extreme left-wing element," Mr. Rizzuto said. "It's blame America first. Everything is America's fault, and everything is Bush's fault." Mr. Rizzuto said his goal "is rallying conservative punks and getting people to vote."
By their own admission, conservative punks constitute a small percentage of their particular subculture. Around 200 liberal and left-oriented punk bands have come together under the banner of Punkvoter, a coalition founded by Mike Burkett ? a k a Fat Mike ? of the band NOFX, with the stated goal of organizing punk fans to vote against President Bush in November. Mr. Burkett started Punkvoter with $100,000 of his own money and has recruited crossover bands like Green Day and the Foo Fighters to his cause.
"Our goal is to anger the youth of America, and to show them how the Bush administration is bad for them," Mr. Burkett said.
While Conservative Punk does not have a roster of bands exactly, it has inspired the interest and involvement of a consortium of conservatives with proper punk credentials, like Michale Graves, a former singer for the Misfits, who writes a column for Mr. Rizzuto's site. Mr. Graves regularly performs wearing a skull mask and is known for belting out lyrics like: "A fever rots/The brain goes numb inside/I feel a blackout coming/The boiled blister pops inside." He allows that he doesn't fit the profile of your average red-state Republican.
"I look like someone who should be hanging out with Marilyn Manson ? in fact I have hung out with Marilyn Manson," Mr. Graves said. "It doesn't affect what my morals are."
"I think George Bush is a wonderful, competent leader," he added. "And I believe that he is bringing this country on a right and just course and he understands the true nature of evil."
Andrew Wilkow, a conservative talk show host for WABC radio who has written for Conservative Punk, said that when he discussed the site on his show he was inundated with calls from people saying, "We thought we were alone."
"It turns out there are a lot of people who like a certain music and like to dress a certain way, but who want to think for themselves politically," he said. "They were being told by their favorite bands they couldn't think this way, but they did, and they still liked the music."
Traditionally a subculture of anti-establishment and anti-authoritarian leanings, the punk world has never been monolithic in its politics. The Sex Pistols preached nihilism and anarchy, while bands like the Clash, which headlined Rock Against Racism events in London and New York in the late 1970's, espoused leftist views.
At the same time, punk came out of a frustration with what many urban youths saw as the ineffectualness of hippie-style liberalism, and embraced an inflammatory iconography ? like swastikas and military leathers ? as a statement against the peace movement, and everything else mainstream for that matter. Joe Levy, a deputy managing editor of Rolling Stone magazine, said punk politics have always been a bit confused. "The whole idea of punk rock and politics was a mess from the beginning," he said.
Even so, conventional conservatives, he said, have been few and far between among punks. "By and large the people who are attracted to this music, both listeners and artists, share a loose set of anti-authoritarian, pro-individualist and usually very left-leaning values," he said.
There have been notable exceptions. Johnny Ramone, the guitarist for the Ramones, has been an outspoken Republican for years, and some skinhead bands have blended the punk aesthetic with their extreme right-wing views.
But conservative punks say their beliefs and, as important, their attitude, square neatly with the punk tradition, especially, they say, when ? pardon the oxymoron ? mainstream punk, as represented by Punkvoter, has coalesced into a single, liberal-oriented movement.
Andrew Heidgerken, the founder of GOPunk and the proud owner of metal-spiked leather jacket with "G.O.P.," "N.R.A." and "U.S.A." on the sleeves and a portrait of Ronald Reagan on the back, said he took special pleasure in the unpopularity of his views among other punks. "I can tell you the part of punk we like," he said. "The willingness to speak out even if it annoys people, shouting at anyone who'll listen." Mr. Heidgerken is not beyond using traditional means to annoy people; he's currently running for committeeman from his Chicago neighborhood.
In some ways, the punk world has become consumed by the same sort of angry right-vs.-left feuding that has divided the rest of America for years, complete with venomous name-calling, charges of betrayal and treason, and the occasional death threat. On the message boards of GOPunk, 2,000 or so angry postings from both liberal and conservative punks testify to the punk affinity for annoying others. Mr. Graves said he receives "an incredible amount of hate mail."
Some left-leaning punk fans have been dismayed to learn their punk heroes are conservatives. Thorsten Wilms, 32, a punk who lives outside Cologne, Germany, and who runs the punk Web site www.FiendClub.de, said he was a fan of Mr. Graves until he learned through Punkvoter that Mr. Graves was writing pro-Bush columns for Conservative Punk. In response, Mr. Wilms added a page to his site depicting Mr. Graves beneath an appropriately punk screed of profanity. One of the few printable lines on the page is "Conservative Punk! How sick is that?"
"We wanted to polarize as well," Mr. Wilms said of his site. "You can't be a punk rocker and be right wing." He said conservative punks "could be the death of punk rock."
Ian MacKaye, a founding member of the influential punk bands Minor Threat and Fugazi, suggested that such fears might be overstated. As an outspoken "straight edge" punk ? one who does not drink or do drugs ? Mr. MacKaye was sometimes mistaken for a conservative (he's not) and saw his message of sobriety seized on in the early 1990's by conservative Christian punk bands. Mr. MacKaye likened the punk aesthetic to furniture. "Once it's built you can put it into any house," he said. "You can be a lefty and go to Ikea or you can be a right-winger and go to Ikea." Punk, he said, "is a free space where anything can go ? a series of actions and reactions, and people rebelling and then rebelling against rebelling."
Mr. Levy of Rolling Stone agreed. "Broadly speaking," he said, "the idea of disruption was a punk aesthetic strategy. Tear apart your shirt, wear it that way. If you want to have an ugly guitar sound in the middle of your song, go ahead. And certainly spitting wasn't frowned upon."
Mr. Levy suggested that posting conservative views online while much of the punk movement is engaged in earnest liberal political organizing might be the cyberequivalent of an audience member spitting on a band's lead singer during a show, "although it's a lot more hygienic," he said.
So is there some hidden political information to be divined about the electorate by studying conservative punks? Frank Luntz, a Republican consultant said he did not think so. "I think these people are anti-establishment, and as funny as it sounds supporting George Bush is anti-establishment because a lot of people their age are supporting Kerry," he said. "I don't plan to do any focus groups with Republican punks between now and Election Day."
Mr. Luntz, though, may be missing an opportunity to help his candidate. Jason Pye, 23, a conservative punk from Atlanta who plays drums for the band Style Over Substance and who describes himself as "a pro-life, pro-death-penalty, fiscal conservative who supports the war," said that when he's not playing rock or handling premature-death and dismemberment claims at the insurance company where he works, he's often proselytizing for President Bush.
He's already converted his bass player, a former Kerry supporter, he said, and he's working on the singer. Mr. Pye said there are only a few small things he'd change about his candidate, Mr. Bush.
"If he got some piercings and wore them with a studded suit, that would be pretty cool," he said.
The Exploited History
3:12 PM
Posted by Noveus
Riot starting, bouncer bashing, cop baiting, hotel trashing, foul talking, noise making, chaos causing, venue wrecking, government hating, rule breaking, piss taking, unrelenting, punk rocking. Clearly we're not talking about Pepsi adverts here, or indeed the many so-called punk bands that would gleefully sell themselves to such corporate giants for a palm full of silver. Whoo-hoo! The taste of a generation! Fuck off! Let's get one thing straight: The Exploited are not 'punkers' or any of the other cutesy, watered down, MTV friendly names you might want to call them.
The Exploited are punk rock.
But maybe we should put that into context since it means so many different things. It's early 1980 and 'entertainment' on a Saturday night (or any other night of the week) consists of sitting around at home watching crap on TV or sitting around in a bus shelter drinking cider or sniffing glue. Unless, of course, you're old enough to drink in the same pub as your dad. Oh the thrill of it all! Punk rock is all you have. It's your lifeblood, the only thing that makes sense and the only thing to look forward to in a world with 'no future'. And it's fucking exciting! The next single, the next gig, the volume coursing through your veins to remind you that you're alive. Punk rock is a dangerous business. The mere act of looking like a punk will earn you a night in casualty if you're not careful, and getting to and from one of the few venues that will let punk bands play can literally be a matter of life and death. So, you can cop out and be a part time punk (flatten your hair down for school, work or more likely the dole queue) or follow whatever trend you're told is 'in' this week. The other option, the only other option, is to give to punk rock what it has given to you -- everything! If you're going to be unemployed, then be unemployable! If you're going to get beaten up, then go down fighting! If you've got something to say, then shout it! And most of all, if you're going to be in an obnoxious punk rock band, then be in a really obnoxious punk band!
This was the route chosen by ex-squaddie Wattie Buchan (vocals), Big John Duncan (guitar), Dru Stix (drums) and Gary McCormack (bass). Right from the start (early 1980, if you were paying attention) there was no toning these Edinburgh punks down, no diluting their music for public consumption. The Exploited were punk rock.
Released just one year later on the Secret label, their debut album was as much a rallying battle cry as a record. It was called 'Punk's Not Dead' and went on to become the number one independent album of 1981 (before most of the Indies were just majors in disguise), reaching number 20 in the national charts and selling 150,000 copies. Which kind of proved the point. If punk was dead, no one had told the Exploited's rapidly growing 'barmy army'. And while admittedly, 'Punk's Not Dead' wasn't the greatest record ever made, as an opening gambit it was unbeatable and live, the band were nothing short of incredible. The long hot summer of '81 saw the whole country going up in flames. Real anarchy in the UK as city after city, town after town exploded! A perfect time for the Exploited to co-headline the legendary 'Apocalypse Now' tour with fellow punk giants, Discharge. The sell out London show (at the Lyceum Ballroom) took place just one day after the Brixton riots. Talk about an electric atmosphere! By October that year The Exploited were in the singles charts with the violently evocative 'Dead Cities', leading to arguably the most ferocious performance ever seen on Top Of The Pops (yeah, you read that right! And yes, there were numerous complaints) and another massive UK tour. If memory serves correctly, this was the one where Black Flag supported them, the one that ended in a full-scale riot at the Rainbow in Finsbury Park. Or maybe that was another time; certainly it was snowing in the Capital the night and ever demented front man Wattie declared war on the Mods (some idiot had booked the Jam to play just up the road), resulting in a pitched battle outside the venue.
1982 saw the release of the Exploited's first genuine classic album 'Troops Of Tomorrow' (number 17 in the charts), which ten years later was to see tracks (most notably 'UK82' changed to 'LA92') covered by Slayer for the 'Judgement Night' soundtrack. More proof, if it were needed, that without the likes of Exploited, Discharge and GBH there would be no thrash metal and thus, no Metallica, Slayer or Slipknot. It has even been noted that those punk bands influenced such varied acts as Queens Of The Stoneage (whom Wattie presented with a 'Best International Newcomers' gong at the Kerrang Awards in 2000) and Atari Teenage Riot, Nirvana (Ex-Exploited guitarist Big John even played for them briefly) and Massive Attack. In over two decades The Exploited have been tear gassed by German cops, banned from Holland, arrested in Spain, declared that the Falklands are British forever whilst on stage in Argentina and have caused more carnage than a multi-car pile up on the M1. Throughout that time they have remained steadfastly true to their roots, never selling out, never splitting up (despite numerous line-up changes) and never bowing down. They've been accused of being dumb (yes, sometimes, but wilfully so) and causing trouble (guilty again, but smashing stuff is fun and punks are supposed to be obnoxious). But The Exploited are also fiercely (not to mention bluntly) socially and politically aware, covering everything from the Criminal Justice Act to the increasing use of Big Brother CCTV and never wavering from their anti-authoritarian, anti-war stance. And while a critic once suggested they were stating the obvious (politicians are liars and war is bad), someone is still voting for the fuckers and we seem to be on the brink of World War Three. Someone should be shouting about it for Christ's sake! And no one shouts louder than The Exploited! Who else would have the nerve to drown a Tory politician in their video (for the title track of their '96 masterpiece 'Beat The Bastards') or repeatedly refer to Maggie Thatcher as a "fucking cunt!" ('Maggie').
So we face the start of another New Year and nothing has changed. The country's still fucked and on the brink of war as America's lapdog, bored kids still wander the streets (smack and designer labels having replaced glue and cider) and The Exploited are just as relevant today as they were in 1980. Punk rock has come to mean so many different things to so many different people. Like an incurable virus the genre has infected the whole world, evolving, mutating (often beyond recognition) and contaminating everything that gets in its path. Fashion, art, comedy, politics and of course, music have all been irrevocably altered by punk rock. Christ, even football got in on the act -- a mohican haircut we're told, is now called a Beckham. Not bad for something that has been pronounced dead more times than Dracula. But to The Exploited punk rock still means everything.
"Fuck The System' their eighth studio album sees the band on more explosive form than ever, riotous, unrepentant and wholly uncompromising. Tracks like 'Never Sell Out' and 'Chaos Is My Life' (both self-explanatory) are as brutally heavy as anything bands half their age have to offer and prove beyond doubt that, not only is there life in the old dog yet, but the fucker's got rabies! 'Fuck The System' isn't just an album title; it's a statement of intent. But then, it is a punk rock album, and make no mistake.
The Exploited are punk rock!
Written by Morat. January 2003.
11:36 AM
Posted by Noveus
After years of planning, research, and development the world's financial institutions are announcing the much anticipated GLOBAL CASHLESS SOCIETY. The ability to conduct all manner of monetary exchange is now being replaced by microchip technology and electronic currency.
MONDEX is the company providing this cashless system and has already franchised over 20 major nations. This system was created in 1993 by London bankers Tim Jones and Graham Higgins of NATEST/COUTTS, the personal bank of Britain's Royal Family.
The system is based on SMART CARD technology which employs microchips concealed in a plastic card which stores electronic cash, identification,and other information.
All transaction systems are being made secure by adopting SET protocols (Secure Electronic Transaction) and will display the SET MARK.
MON-DEX - A compound of the words MONETARY & DEXTER. Webster's Dictionary Encyclopedia Edition defines these words as:monetary - pertaining to money dexter - belonging to or located on the right hand; SET - the Egyptian god of evil or Satan.
Along with the cards, you may use a PET device (Personal ElectronicTransfer). This wallet sized calculator-like device allows you to conduct personal currency exchanges with other card holders.The cards also works with the NORTEL/BELL VISTA 360 phone, MILLENNIUM pay phones, ATMs, your PC, the INTERNET, and online businesses and institutions.
This cashless system has been tested extensively in the city of Guelph, in Ontario, Canada, and in the U.K. and U.S. All Canadian banks have signed up to MONDEX and will be promoting it soon.
Plans are to have it in widespread use by 1998.The CIBC (Canadian International Bank of Commerce) has even set up a model cashless branch inside NORTEL in Brampton, Ontario.
Over 250 corporations in 20 countries are involved in bringing MONDEX to the world and many nations have already been franchised to use it: the U.K., Canada, U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia,Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, India, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, El Salvador and Belize.
The European Union is expected to adopt the MONDEX system as their unified currency solution.
Other SMARTCARD systems are quickly being put aside in favor of MONDEX, especially since MASTER CARD bought a 51% stake in the company.
NATWES will still maintain directorship in it's development and implementation. "This isthe final stage in becoming a global reality," said Robin O'Kelly of MONDEX International. "With MasterCard's backing, there's nothing to stop MONDEX now from becoming the global standard.
Eventually the idea of carrying a card will become obsolete as people soon discover that it has its security limitations-namely, being susceptible to damage, loss and theft.
The final solution will be to have the microchip simply placed inside the human body as they do now with microchip pet identification systems.
INFOPET is one of several companies that provide a syringe gun implantable bio-chip that is injected under the skin of an animal. The chip can be read by a scanner and the code identifying the owner and pet will bring up a file on a computer. The system boasts that it can track over 1 billion pets by satellites and cellular towers.
MOTOROLA, who produce the microchips for the MONDEX SMARTCARD, has developed several human implantable bio-chips.The BT952000 chip was engineered by Dr.Carl Sanders who was directed in 17 NEW WORLD ORDER meetings to develop the device for global use in humans for economic and identification purposes.
The bio-chip measures 7mm long and .75mm in width, about the size of a grain of rice. It contains a transponder and a rechargeable lithium battery.
The battery is charged by a thermo-couple circuit that produces voltage from fluctuations in body temperature. They spent over 1.5 million dollars studying where to place the chip in the human body.
They found only two suitable and efficient places -the FOREHEAD just under the hairline, and the back of the hand, specifically the RIGHT HAND.
"And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given mark in their right hand, or in their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16_)
Dr. Sanders was against the use of the lithium battery because it was known that if it were to break the lithium would cause a GRIEVOUS BOIL or sore and cause much agony to the host."And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image." Revelation 16:2.
After Dr. Sanders left the project, he was introduced to the prophetic scriptures in the Bible concerning the "mark of the beast" He then converted to the Christian faith and now conducts seminars on this topic. He developed patented medical, surveillance, and security equipment for the FBI, CIA, IRS,IBM, GE, Honeywell, and Teledyne. He has also received the President's and Governor's award for design and excellence.
Mark is charagma, which means a scratch, or etching, stamp, insignia, or mark of servitude.The number 666 is the Greek phrase Chi Xi Sigma, meaning to stick or prick, a mark incised or punched for the recognition of ownership.
The industry name for the advanced smart card developed by GEM-PLUS and the U.S.DOD (Department of Defense) is the MARC (Multi-technology Automated Reader Card). The code name for it's development was 'TESSERA'. A tessera was the Roman insignia of ownership placed on their slaves which if removed would result in the slave being branded with a mark.
In November 1996 an agreement was made by which GEMPLUS will supply smartcards for the global implementation of MONDEX. AT&T/Lucent Technologies purchased the franchise for MONDEX USA. Their logo is the symbol of the Solar Serpent or RED DRAGON who is Satan. LUCENT is compounded from LUCIFER - ENTERPRISES. They seem to be quite flagrant in naming their products STYX (a river in Hades), JANUS (2 faced god) and INFERNO promoted with a quote from "The Inferno," a story about LUCIFER in the bowels of hell. The "ring of fire" is the ancient Pantheon. This company deliberately chose to move their new offices into 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
"Day was departing, and the darkening air called all earth's creatures to their evening quiet while I alone was preparing as though for war."
- The Inferno, Dante, Canto II
One of their proudest achievements is TTS (Text To Speech) in which they give the human-like quality of speech to lifeless technology. This only tends to remind one of the apocalyptic scriptures. "And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak." Revelation 13:15
Since it is not practical to place a microchip in every product that is to ever be bought and sold a UPC BARCODE does the job nicely. What most people don't realize is that this is the "mark of the beast" for the products we buy, use and dispose of everyday. Every UPC BARCODE contains the numbers 666. You will find one of two versions of the mark. The most common has 10 numbers divided into two parts. he other will have 6 numbers. In both versions there are 3 unidentified bars. Those bars are 6, 6, and 6. These are called guard bars, they tell the scanner when to start, divide, and stop the reading."Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for the number is that of a man, and his number is 666." Revelation 13:18
This global police state apparatus was designed to monitor every man, woman,and child once issued a UNIVERSAL BIOMETRICS CARD just like the MARC or MONDEX.The system was designed by Jean?Paul Creusat, M.D. and UN-INEOA representative (United Nations International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association).An article appeared in NARC OFFICER magazine, that describes the system. It appears to be closely related to the UN GLOBAL SECURITY PROGRAMME.
Author Texe Marrs has written an entire book on PROJECT LUCID. In it he tells of the refusal to disclose the project's acronym leading him to believe LUC-ID may stand for LUCIFER's IDENTIFICATION.
Many proponents of the NEW GLOBAL ORDER are occultic,Masonic, or antichristian and they seem to take delight with their veiled expressions. With LUCID the global law enforcement authority will be able to track your every move, transaction, and acquaintance - it's that intrusive.
Simon Davies of PRIVACY INTERNATIONAL investigated MONDEX's anomynity claims and found that they were monitoring all transactions in the trials breaking specific trade laws. Many if not most of MONDEX's original 17 or so financial backers are from the London banking district belonging to the CLUB OF THE ISLES, a HOUSE OF WINDSOR banking cartel that has a major choke hold on GLOBAL economics. Through secretive meetings and strategic alliances these powerful MASONIC institutions influence world politics, finances, resources, and even the policies and structure of the UNITED NATIONS. Their goal is a NEW WORLD ORDER based on one global government, one global religion, and one global electronic economy.
There is a MAN who is the BEAST spoken of by the prophets and the number of his name is 666. He is the LORD OF THE ISLES, a world figure whom many adore but he is also a man of intrigue and his power and influence have been grossly underestimated. He and his family were the first to publicly receive the microchipimplant/mark which was broadcast around the world on CNN in March of 1996. But because the whole world is asleep, deluded, too busy, and unaware the god of this world continues to work in secrecy.
There are hundreds more companies and people involved with the implementation of the GLOBAL CASHLESS ECONOMY but presented here are a few of the main players.This should give you a brief introduction to what the mark of the beast is and how it is being implemented. I have also included a few explanations of MONDEX symbolism.
MONDEX's logo contains 3 inter-linked rings, a symbol only found in occultic MASONIC orders. It's general meaning regards three gods or the Egyptian/Pagan trinity especially in the Enochian Temple Magick rituals of the HermeticOrder of the Golden Dawn. Namely Isis, Osiris, Horus, but originally in the Bible Ashtoreth, Nimrod, Tammuz/Baal. The Pagan trinity are three gods manifested in one way whereas the Christian trinity is one god manifested in three ways. This symbol was also used by the Grand Lodge of England and the Order of Odd Fellows founded by NERO in A.D. 55.
"Originally a symbol of imprisonment and slavery, defeat.The 'golden chain' (in Latin catena aurea) was thought of in antiquity as linking heaven and earth" [like the tower of Babel in Babylon] "This is Homer's 'golden chain', which God, according to the poet, ordered suspended from heaven to earth. In the symbolism of Freemasonry, the "fraternal chain" is the bond between brother Masons understood as extending across international borders and encircling the globe. The new initiate, when he "sees the light," see the brothers "standing in the chain." In this connection, the symbolic chain often appears in the names of lodges.The linked rings of the chain signify a powerful and lasting unity or that in war - a stronghold has been broken through. Dictionary: > of Symbolism - (Hans Biedermann pg.63-64)
"Masonry, like all the false religions, all the Mysteries conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead. (pg 104,105) "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended he shall imagine he understands them."(Pg 819 Albert Pike, 33o Mason, "Morals and Dogma")
Another symbol utilized by MONDEX is the butterfly. This symbol has numerous mystical meanings but the most prominent is that of capturing the soul.The Greek word for butterfly and soul is "psyche." Can receiving the "mark of the beast,"a deal with the Devil, cause you to lose your soul? ". . . If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark in his forehead or in his hand he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahweh, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger, and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image,and whoever receives the mark of his name." (Revelation 14:9-11)
First off, you will find yourself quickly becoming financially handicapped in your payment options. You will also pay heavy fees for using cheques until cheques are eliminated. You will be pressured and even coerced to have all your bill payments and paychecks conducted automatically and electronically. Home banking on your PC or phone will become necessary as tellers and bank branches are replaced by ATM's. Large sums of cash will be next to impossible to obtain. Cash will be recalled and the smartcard will become mandatory. You will then find that you cannot pay your bills or buy groceries.
Exchanging gold or silver coins will be illegal without a dealer licence.
Messiah told us to have hope and not despair because He would soon be coming.He told us not to be weighed down with anxieties just to wake up one day and be trapped by the circumstances. He told us to occupy until He comes. He gave us a special end times commission.
"Who then is the faithful, thoughtful, and wise servant, whom his master has put in charge of his household to give o others the food and supplies at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master finds doing these things when he comes." Matthew 24:45-46
Please make the committment today that you will never go under a cashless debt-based system, that you will never submit to the mark of the beast.
Already natural disasters are increasing in various places catching people unprepared.There may be man made crises to accelerate the need to unite and surrender our rights, privacy, freedoms, properties for so-called "peace and security." Flee,not for the sake of saving flesh alone, but to fulfill our livesto the fullest taking every opportunity to live and add to the kingdom of heaven.
You will be either helpless or hopeful. Draw the line here, do not go down the easy broadway that MONDEX is opening wide. Our Savior wants us to overcome what oppression and persecution lies ahead, so that you may receive a crown of great glory.
The "elite" have planned for these events well in advance and they are carrying out their agenda now to create a NEW WORLD ORDER by A.D. 2000. They are currently producing one billion MONDEX chips per year and they already have been in production for at least one year.
Chances are that if you are reading this, your bank has already signed on to MONDEX and will be promoting it shortly, no matter where in the world you live.
They have discovered that as long as the chip is in the card, there are some serious problems. The chip can be hacked and information changed or counterfeited. The values can be altered. The card contacts wear out within a year. It can be broken, stolen or lost. The electronic cash is not insured for the customer.
There is only one solution to these problems and that is to follow Motorola and InfoPet's lead and implant the chip into the flesh where it cannot be successfully circumvented. In either form, it is to the same ends. Card or flesh, whatever we end up is the mark of the beast. It is still MONDEX .and means..."money in the right hand."
11:12 AM
Posted by Noveus
Mondex International, the division of National Westminster Bank Plc that is pioneering the Mondex electronic purse, has released updated specifications for manufacturers developing Smart Cards, readers and terminals for the cashless system. The updated set of specifications should iron out initial bugs and misunderstandings arising from the original details issued in April 1994. And the system went live at the beginning of the month: Swindon in Wiltshire is the scene of an extensive trial into the technology (CI No 2,698). The specifications, which come too late for the start of the Swindon trial, include corrections to parts that manufacturers found unworkable or in need of updating. For example the document referred to using 1" screens for devices such as electronic wallets, but manufacturers wanted help in incorporating 5" screens that are now available. They also include guidelines for the physical, electrical and interface characteristics of all Mondex cards, and particularly focuses on the messages consumers will see when they carry out transactions using the cards. The messages will use symbols instead of the written word to eliminate language problems, although Mondex has yet to win major European support, and the company is developing a set of internationally recognisable symbols, such as a keyhole to symbolise the card's locking device. Other areas now covered include the interface between the Mondex 'purse' and a Mondex device, that is anything that takes payment from a Mondex Smart Card, and an outline of the standards required for using the Mondex branding on their products.
Electronic wallet
Those taking part in the Swindon trial will need their Smart Card, an electronic wallet that enables cash to be transferred from one Mondex card to another, and a balance reader to tell you how much is left on the card. Retailers will have either a stand-alone reader unit or a reader incorporated into electronic tills. You will 'charge' your Smart Card either from a bank teller machine of National Westminster or Midland Bank Plc, a partner in the trial, or from a specially adapted British Telecommunications Plc pay phone. Then simply go shopping, and use your card as cash. The card sends cash 'chip to chip' without going through a central clearing facility, and is, therefore, seen as a cheaper and quicker alternative to credit cards, especially for buying services on the Internet (CI No 2,606). For the trial, developers include AT&T Global Information Solutions which has developed cash machines, British Telecom with residential and pay phones, De La Rue Fortronic Ltd, retailer terminals, General Information Systems Ltd electronic wallets, Hitachi Ltd integrated circuits, and the Panasonic Personal Computer Co unit of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd, with electronic wallets and personal balance readers. Several mobile telephone manufacturers are also working on incorporating Mondex in their telephones, using their existing product to become an electronic wallet. David Morton, Mondex International's public relations manager, believes that in the future, taxi drivers and window cleaners will carry Mondex electronic wallets, you will be able to exchange sterling for foreign currency on your card, and that you will shop "wherever you see the Mondex symbol." He even thinks you will give your child pocket money by transferring cash from your card to theirs.
Why People Believe in Conspiracies-A skeptic's take on the public's fascination with disinformation
8:26 PM
Posted by Noveus
By Michael Shermer
After a public lecture in 2005, I was buttonholed by a documentary filmmaker with Michael Moore-ish ambitions of exposing the conspiracy behind 9/11. “You mean the conspiracy by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda to attack the United States?” I asked rhetorically, knowing what was to come.
“That’s what they want you to believe,” he said. “Who is they?” I queried. “The government,” he whispered, as if “they” might be listening at that very moment. “But didn’t Osama and some members of al Qaeda not only say they did it,” I reminded him, “they gloated about what a glorious triumph it was?”
“Oh, you’re talking about that video of Osama,” he rejoined knowingly. “That was faked by the CIA and leaked to the American press to mislead us. There has been a disinformation campaign going on ever since 9/11.”
Conspiracies do happen, of course. Abraham Lincoln was the victim of an assassination conspiracy, as was Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand, gunned down by the Serbian secret society called Black Hand. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a Japanese conspiracy (although some conspiracists think Franklin Roosevelt was in on it). Watergate was a conspiracy (that Richard Nixon was in on). How can we tell the difference between information and disinformation? As Kurt Cobain, the rocker star of Nirvana, once growled in his grunge lyrics shortly before his death from a self-inflicted (or was it?) gunshot to the head, “Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you.”
But as former Nixon aide G. Gordon Liddy once told me (and he should know!), the problem with government conspiracies is that bureaucrats are incompetent and people can’t keep their mouths shut. Complex conspiracies are difficult to pull off, and so many people want their quarter hour of fame that even the Men in Black couldn’t squelch the squealers from spilling the beans. So there’s a good chance that the more elaborate a conspiracy theory is, and the more people that would need to be involved, the less likely it is true.
Why do people believe in highly improbable conspiracies? In previous columns I have provided partial answers, citing patternicity (the tendency to find meaningful patterns in random noise) and agenticity (the bent to believe the world is controlled by invisible intentional agents). Conspiracy theories connect the dots of random events into meaningful patterns and then infuse those patterns with intentional agency. Add to those propensities the confirmation bias (which seeks and finds confirmatory evidence for what we already believe) and the hindsight bias (which tailors after-the-fact explanations to what we already know happened), and we have the foundation for conspiratorial cognition.
Examples of these processes can be found in journalist Arthur Goldwag’s marvelous new book, Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies (Vintage, 2009), which covers everything from the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group to black helicopters and the New World Order. “When something momentous happens, everything leading up to and away from the event seems momentous, too. Even the most trivial detail seems to glow with significance,” Goldwag explains, noting the JFK assassination as a prime example. “Knowing what we know now ... film footage of Dealey Plaza from November 22, 1963, seems pregnant with enigmas and ironies—from the oddly expectant expressions on the faces of the onlookers on the grassy knoll in the instants before the shots were fired (What were they thinking?) to the play of shadows in the background (Could that flash up there on the overpass have been a gun barrel gleaming in the sun?). Each odd excrescence, every random lump in the visual texture seems suspicious.” Add to these factors how compellingly a good narrative story can tie it all together—think of Oliver Stone’s JFK or Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons, both equally fictional.
What is the State?
10:34 AM
Posted by Noveus
For workers needs to be fully met we must get rid of the bosses. But this is no easy task. The bosses are organised. They have the media on their side. They also have the State and the force of the army and police that go with it. The state (i.e. governments, armies, courts, police, etc.) is a direct re-sult of the fact that we live in a class soci-Electioneering inevitably leads to revolu-tionaries forsaking their revolutionary prin-ciples. They go for whatever is popular and will ensure that they get elected. This be-comes more important to them than edu-cating people about the meaning of social-ism. It also means that they look on the mass of voters as mere spectators. People are seen as voters, not as people who can be actually involved in politics and bring-ing socialism about.
Socialism cannot come through the Parlia-ment. If we look at a country like Chile we can see why. In 1973 the people elected a moderate socialist government led by Presi-dent Allende. This democratically elected government was toppled by a CIA backed military coup. Repression followed in which the workers movement was smashed and Society would be based on factory and community councils. These would federate with each other so that decisions could be made covering large areas. Delegates could be sent from each area and workplace. They would be recallable, i.e. if those who voted them in are not happy with their behaviour they can immediately replace them with someone else. With the new technology it will be much easier to involve lots of people in making quick decisions.
Within this society there would be genuine individual freedom. Individuals would have to contribute to society but would be free to the extent that they do not interfere with the freedom of others. Fundamentally we believe that people are good and if they won freedom would not easily give it up or destroy it.
Anarchism in Action
10:53 AM
Posted by Noveus
Like most people who hear about Anarchism you probably believe that "it is a good set of ideas but unfortunately it would never work. People are naturally greedy and selfish, if there was no government to look after our interests there would be complete chaos".
But there are historical examples of anarchism working. The greatest of these happened in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War. It started with an attempted fascist coup. In response to the coup the workers mobilised to defeat fascism. Popular militias were formed by the unions and workers seized factories. Peasants took over land that had been abandoned by the landlords. This marked the beginning of the revolution for the Anarchists. They believed that the Civil War had to be not just a fight against fascism but also against the capitalist system that had spawned fascism in the first place.
In the zones controlled by the Anarchists, workers self-management became a reality. In Catalonia there were at least 2,000 industrial and commercial collectives. At least 60% of "republican" Spain's agriculture was collectivised.
In the workplaces councils or "comite" elected by assemblies of workers and representing all sectors of the enterprise, were given the task of administering the collectivised factory. Collectivised enterprises in each sector of industry were represented in an Economic Federation. This in turn was topped by a General Industrial Council that would closely control the whole industry.
Here is a description of the organisation of gas, electricity and water in Barcelona.
"Each type of job (e.g. fitters) set up a section consisting of at least fifteen workers. Where there were not the numbers to do this workers from different trades got together to constitute a general section. Each section nominates two delegates that are chosen by assemblies of the workers. One of the delegates will be of a technical calibre and will participate in the 'comite' of the workplace. The other will be entrusted with the management of work in the section.
The 'comite' of the building or plant comes next. It is nominated by the delegates of the sections and consists of a technician, a manual worker and an administrator. The manual worker has to solve difficulties that might arise between different sections. He or she receives suggestions from workers in the different trades and the sections give him or her daily reports on the progress of work. Periodically the delegate calls the sections to general meetings. At these proposals and initiatives which are likely to improve production and productivity are studied as well as ones to improve the workers' situation. A copy of the deliberation is sent to the Council for Industry.
The delegates with administrative functions supervises the arrival and warehousing of materials, records requirements details with book-keeping for supplies and reserves, and keeps an eye on the state of income and expenditure. S/He also deals with correspondence and it is his/her responsibility to see that balance sheets and reports addressed to the Council for Industry are prepared.
The delegate with technical functions supervises the activities of his section, and uses every endeavour to increase productivity. To lighten the workers' burden by introducing new methods. S/He checks on production at the power stations, the state of the network, prepares statistics and charts indicating how production is developing. At the summit there are the Councils of Industry. One each for gas, electricity and water, Each is composed of eight delegates, four from the U. G. T. (the socialist trade union) and four from the C.N.T. These are capped by the General Council of the three industries, which is also made up by eight delegates drawn equally from the two unions.
This Council co-ordinates activities of the three industries; attunes the production and distribution of raw materials from a regional, national and international point of view; modifies prices; organises general administration; indeed takes and uses all initiatives useful to production and the workers' needs. Meanwhile it is obliged at all times to submit its' activities to the scrutiny of local and regional union assemblies"
Philosophy :Anarchism
12:54 AM
Posted by Noveus
Anarchism: an alternative to the existing system.
What is the relationship with Anarchism and Punk in the corner of the world. The failure of the politicians in the "political sell - to buy" a convincing counter culture ideas that we will all be much better life without these vampirs. "All the government did not want and do not need, no service can be provided that the government can not be provided by a community of self-reliance. We do not need to be - ordered to do something or told how to keep our lives especially burdened by taxes, regulation, regulation - regulation and demands - demands we will work "(Profane Existence (PE) # 5, August 1990 p. 38, Ayf)
When must choose between political ideology: Punk tend anarchist. This does not override the fact that still have not read the punk history and still continue to promote berlanjutnya forms of capitalism or communism walk the earth. But it can be said almost all believe akan Punk anarchist principles is to not use the regulator or government official, and appreciate the freedom and responsibility of the individual (who does not). Profane Existence (next written PE) is a fanzine Punk anarchist in the United States which contains reportase politics and music from the anarchist perspective. The contents of this magazine, many load periodikal intended for readers-readers who are starting an intellectual activist and began to leave the musical movement to the political Punk.
Previous note Scene in Europe has a lot of fanzine-fanzine and band anarchist punk history because there more active than their colleagues in the American union. The editor and editor-fanzine is inspired by the waves 2 to Punk in Europe (1980 - 1984) a very politically oriented. Bands like CRASS, Conflict, and Discharge in the UK, THE EX BGK and in the Netherlands and the MDC and DEAD Kennedy in the United States of Punk Rock N Roll berandalan into thinking that the rebels. The spirit is now inherited by millions of bands that play various musical spectrum Punk. Los Crudos a scream before the face of the oppressor with the lyrics for the explicit lyrics-awareness classes and Propagandhi find its place in the rhythm that's easy to pop Punk disenandungkan, this is all the thousands of young people around the world proudly call themselves "anarchist" and start the show healthy ketidaksukaan akan regime-the regime of governance around the world.
"In the early development of the so-called civilization is that few people realize if they can live with and easy to become rich by making other people work for them, people use this indirection even violence to themselves as menginstitusi
cited from
12:10 AM
Posted by Noveus
Kalimas traditional seaport is located at the east of Kalimas River, lies about 10 kilometers west of Kenjeran beach. Comprising a two-kilometre stretch of warehouse and wharves along the East ward flank of Tanjung Perak, Kalimas is a living history of Surabaya's maritime heritage where carts and human toil continue to load and unload merchandise into and out of tile holds of brooch-beamed Phinisi Schooners. The best visit in order to see the loading and unloading activities is in the morning or before the sun, climbs too high and schooners set sail. The available facilities are; place parked, lodging and restaurant. It is easy reachable by various public vehicles.
Kalimas is the fraction of Brantas River that has upstream in Mojokerto town, flow into northeast direction and have estuary in Surabaya (Madura Strait). A hypothesis tell Kalimas is river becoming the gateway of Majapahit Kingdom, and in this river have ever happened encounter between Raden Wijaya (the founder of Majapahit) fight against Tar-tar (Mongol) team at 13th century.
Kali Mas is also as the limited line between Sidoarjo regency and Gresik regency. The estuary of Kalimas is traditional port of Surabaya, which have been there since for centuries ago. A number of the bridges getting through Kalimas in Surabaya now specified as culture pledge, refer to it historical value.
Port of Kalimas Remain a Memory
Otherwise got serious attention, Traditional Port of Kalimas Surabaya, will remain history. Workload of goods loading and unloading in this port always decline for a number of last years, and now more and more concern. Whereas institution related to Kalimas public Port management, seems to no longer care at continuity that have age traditional port life hundreds of this year. The many dirt cause water quality and environmental along the length of Kalimas is not balmy like formerly.